Saturday, June 16, 2007

Doctor Who 'Utopia' Minute by Minute .

Please be aware there are big massive SPOILERS ahead so look away now if you don’t want to know. As it’s a minute by minute it was written as I watching it so I have decided not to follow up the clues about what is happening (I hope you know what I mean). Also I have TAKEN HUGE CHUNKS OUT OF IT SO AS NOT TO GIVE AWAY THE IMPORTANT BITS... You'll see what I mean when you watch it.....It’s a cracking episode, say what you like about Russell T Davies, after that he’s allowed to look a smug as he wants.The Tardis arrives in Cardiff and the Doctor explains the rift in time and space to Martha and the need for the Tardis to refuel or as Martha calls it a ‘pit stop’.Here comes Jack with his great big backpack. Wasn’t it dark when he disappeared in Torchwood? Jack leaps for the Tardis as it is disappearing; he’s obviously done something as the Tardis is hurtling very far into the futureDoctor and Martha look worried, not as much as Jack who’s hanging on the outside of the Tardis. Won’t he get fried? Very good special effects going on, well good Doctor Who type special effects, it not exactly ‘Independence Day’.Ooh they’ve landed in a gravel pit. Scary humans that look like that devils disciple in ‘The Impossible Planet’, albeit on a bad hair day and in need of a dentist.Hang on, they’re not humans they sub-humans chasing after a human – I know that doesn’t make sense. They’ve landed in a Mad Max film. Waits for a guest appearance from Mr. Sugar Tits himself.An old man that looks like a butler is in a lab underground is talking to someone who obviously wandered into the special effects box circa 1975. Apparently a human hunt is going outside and he’s winging about the coffeeOcto Ant woman declines coffee for internal milk.Voice over the Tannoy, the butler’s a Professor and they are asking him how he’s doing. Something about a footprint.Prof’s is a bit ill. Banging drums, have the Mad Max people got in?Professor’s radar has picked up the Tardis.Doctor says that not even the Time Lords came this far; he says he reckons they should flee, aha he’s joking, the Doctor is never a wimp!Martha finds Jack, looking for a pulseDoctor recognises Jack, doesn’t look all that pleased to see him, yep the Doctor definitely not keen.Jack wakes up. Doctor and Jack start sparking off each other.Jack flirting with Martha. Doctor explains his new look. Jack accuses him of abandoning him.Jack asks after Rose, Martha looks pissed offMad Max people still chasing a human.Jack finally explains about how he got out of Satellite Five and got back to earth in 1869 and had to wait around for the Doctor. Martha worries about the Doctor just leaving people behind. Finds out Rose was blonde, this upsets her.Both Jack and Martha are having a go at the Doctor; he shuts them up with a nice quip about blogging!They arrive at a big hole in the ground. It’s a sort of city.Doctor explains that everything is dying, as it’s the end of the Universe.Doctor and Jack don’t like each other I thinkThey spy the mad max people chasing the human – the trio to the rescue…Whoops they’re surrounded. Now running to the Silo. Through a kiddies playground? Is this the nuclear winter portrayed in Terminator Two?Back on point, sorry. They run to a guarded industrial complex where they have to show their teeth to get in.Mad max people are cannibals??The rescued human asks to be taken to Utopia. Doctor is asking after his Tardis.Humans seem to be hiding in the complex. Martha calls it a refugee camp. Doctor is his excitable self. Jacks start flirting with a refugee.Doctor and Jack warming to each other.They find a really big rocket – the humans are passengers for the rocket.The Professor meets the Doctor, passes mad max person in disguise on the way.This is turning out to be classic Doctor Who, all impossible machines, silly words and dodgy costumes. Don’t know what’s going on at the moment. Aha! Nor does the Doctor!Martha unpacks Jacks stuff, finds the Doctors hand in a jarBreakthrough on Martha/Doctor chemistry - the flirting between Martha and Doctor is now on a Rose scale but slightly different, Martha is good at the smart remarks.Octo woman is ‘Chantho.’Martha is still spooked by the hand thing. Doctor is looking hot. And on top cheeky form! Massive flirting going on. Even Jack looks good. Sparks are flying between the three of them.Professor explains the mad max people are what the humans will become unless they reach Utopia.Professor shows Utopia on a map, It’s a beacon calling the last of the humans to it. The Utopia project was created thousands of years ago to preserve humanity at the end of time.Professor's having another seizure whilst the Doctor fiddles with the computer. Doctor knows that the rocket won’t fly. And knows the Prof hasn’t told anyone about it.Doctor is coming out with gobbledegook, whacks out the sonic screwdriver and fixes the footprint. (Sorry, bear with me).Yes, Doctor you are brilliant doctor, flash those pearly whites again.Passenger’s are now boarding the big rocket.Mad Max infiltrator is giving Martha dirty looks.More gobbledegook. They created the system out of glue, food and staples. The Professor is called Yana. He and Doctor having a cosy chat.Someone has to stay behind to activate the footprint. But it’s OK, the Tardis has been found so the Professor can catch up with everyone else.Professor is ailing. He has a constant noise inside his head, the sound of drums getting closer and closer. He says he’s had it all his life.Octo woman fancies the Professor. Martha is teasing Octo woman.Man in James Bond-esque radioactive suit goes into bright red room under the rocket to fix something to get the rocket to go. The room is full of radiation.Oh dear. Doesn’t seem to be going well, they can’t seem to get the fuel cells out of the tubey thingsInfiltrator alert! She’s gone and pressed a load of buttons. What a bitch! Stop speaking Parseltongue! She’s bloody well gone and lobbed a dirty great thing at the fuse box.Jack does something and stupidMartha giving Jack mouth to mouth. Doctor tells her to stop it.They’ve got a room where no man can get into without dying… Enter Captain Jack and lots of running down a corridor.Jack goes into the room in his scanties. Says something cryptic. ‘How long since you’ve known’Doctor ‘Ever since I run away from you.’ What can that mean?Jack puts pants back on and goes into radiation room.Martha a lot more confident this episode, like she’s coming into her own at the moment she is explaining to the Professor that the Tardis travels through time. This appears to be a bad move. Octo-Ant woman reminds me of a really bad comedian I once saw at the comedy storeProfessors (head) banging is getting louder.Aah! I know what the cryptic message is about!!!!Doctor explains why he ran away and why Jack is wrong.The word ‘Dalek’ is agitating the ProfIt’s all Roses fault apparently.‘Time war’ also agitating Prof.Doctor and Jack talks about Rose – he’s not over her… Martha and the Professor are listening in.Cute shot away of Doctor talking to Jack. Jack reckons this new version of him is kind of cheeky.‘Regeneration’ is agitating the professor.Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Look away………!!!!!!!He’s got something of the Doctors!!!!!! A relic he was found with as an orphan. Martha is scared. Professor knows something is up. Martha is running to find the doctor.Rocket is ready to launch.Martha tells the Doctor about the relic.Doctor is panicking and then is really fucking annoyed (‘scuse the language).Professor is playing with the relic and thinking intently.Martha remembers the face of Bo.Fucking hell.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORocket has launched.Doctor is checking the rocket is on course and is running back to the Tardis The trio are locked out of the room. The Professor turns off the security and the mad max people run into the complex.Good old sonic screwdriver gets them through a door. But the mad max people have got in.Doctors chopped off hand has reached boiling point.The mad max people are close. Doctor is trying to get though the last door.Octo-ant woman plans to save the day,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOThe Doctor is locked out of the Tardis. Starts to beg but he has to look on horrified at the scene before him. Martha and Jack are desperately trying to keep the Mad Max people out.Spectacular special effects, Why, hello there.Doctor now is really pissing mad, also seems a little frightened.Whaddya mean that’s the end of the episode!!

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