Friday, March 09, 2007

Auction in honor of John's 40th birthday this Sunday

In case anyone of you guys want to give a little something for John's birthday and get something in return, check out this auction, run by John's official website. You'll get an autographed John Barrowman Captain Jack Poster and an unsigned postcard of the cast and the auction ends Mar-11-07 14:53:26 PDT.Just a little reminder: John has expressed so many times that whereas he appreciates all gifts given to him by fans, he'd prefer if people spent this money on a charity he supports instead. Dogs Trust, specifically. If you register with their site and wait till they've sent you your log-in details (takes a couple of hours) you can select "John Barrowman" in the drop-down menu for "Where did you hear about Dogs Trust? " when you opt to donate online. That way, John will know about your donation and a tally of all birthday donations will be published on later.

1 comment:

microchipping dogs said...

I don't get this." John will know about your donation and a tally of all birthday donations will be published on JohnBarrowman." Could you please enlighten me on this? I keep following all your posts hope you can regularly post more. I get very useful information here. Thanks for having this.

microchipping dogs