Sunday, December 02, 2007

The snaek peek dialogue from the kylie interview

The Doctor: There we go.
Astrid: Thank you sir, I can manage.
The Doctor: I never said you couldn't, I'm The Doctor by the way.
Astrid: Astrid, sir, Astrid Perth.
The Doctor: Nice to meet you Astrid, Merry Christmas.
Astrid: Merry Christmas sir.
The Doctor: Just Doctor, not sir.
Astrid: You enjoying the cruise?
The Doctor: Erm .. yeah, I suppose, I don't know, it doesn't quite work, a cruise on your own.
Astrid: You're not with anyone?
The Doctor: No, no, just me , just err used to be but no.
Astrid: So you travel a lot?
The Doctor: All the time, just for fun, well that's the plan it never quite works.
Astrid: I see your rich though.
The Doctor: Haven't got a penny. (Whispers) The Stowaway.

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